Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Look to Our Blog

So last night after working again on the truck to find that stupid leak that didn't get fixed the first time, I decided to mess with the blog structure and design. I had read on another blog on how to change the header and to create your own picture and title so I decided to see if I could change it. It took a while but it seems to be showing up well on the screen.....after an hour of tweaking! I also changed the main template that the blog is made up of. I hope least the few that read it.

Emma is back to work again this week. No fun. Especially since she has to work nights which means we get to see each other on the weekends. We do get to see each other for a brief amount of time at night or in the morning but one of us is usually asleep. Oh well...its not supposed to be forever...I hope!

The weather has again made it tricky for getting to work. Lately its been cold enough to snow in the higher elevations and it makes it hard to find out which way I need to get to work in the morning since I drive over a mountain each day. Luckily with the new tires on the car I can feel a little bit safer. The old ones were a little bare.

1 comment:

Rising Rainbow said...

I'm not good a tweaking my blog. I see all these people tweaking theirs at the start of the new year and think maybe I need to get my butt in gear and figure it out. We'll see.