Monday, October 02, 2006

Fall is coming!

I would have to say that this time of year is always nice around these parts! The weather gets cooler and the sun is still out. It hasn't started to rain all the time and the days of hot weather with no AC are gone until next year. The leaves of the trees are starting to change color and litter the streets. Halloween is coming which leads to all the rest of te fun holiday's and with it the yummy treats that are made. This past weekend we went to Sauvie Island to pick up some veggies and fruit from the farm near by called Krugers. It is really a great place. They have everything that you can possibly get and right now tis the season to get pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. We picked up a small one for Emma to cook up a yummy pie with and boy was it!!!

Of course this weekend wasn't with out it's projects and other work around the house. I think I have become partly addicted to working on the weekends. I finally got around to staining and sealing the backyard fence. It was really amazing to see how the color changed as it dried and how it really looked like a brand new fence. Ok that's not that exciting but it was still a cool change.

One more thing. Our friend Pete ran in the Portland Marathon yesterday(26.2 miles). We went down to downtown St. John's to catch him as he went by to get a few pictures but I saw him at the last minute and snapped a few shots. Was really disappointed since I wasn't able to get him coming down the bridge but I didn't see him until it was too late. It was cool to see all the people and all the friends and family cheering them on. I think it would be fun to join in some year but the training will have to start before that happens.

Pete did a great job! Here are his stats. WAY TO GO PETE!!

Place Overall: 2072 out of 7548
Men: 1416 out of 3328

FINISH: 4:03:40 pace: 9:18
10k: 54:40 pace: 8:48
Turn-9.1Mi: 1:22:40 pace: 9:06
Half: 1:55:12 pace: 8:48
20 Mile: 3:00:38 pace: 9:02
35K: 3:18:40 pace: 9:09
Chip Time: 4:03:40
Gun Time: 4:05:12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yummmmmm! That pumpkin pie looks delicious!