Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Neighborly Introductions

So we have finally met some of our neighbors. Since the weather is warmer more people are out and about which has led to a few interesting introductions.

We were working on our fence to take it down on our own since we couldn't find someone to show up and take it for free and that's when the introductions began. Tom came over to ask what we were doing with the fencing and we said we were going to sell it. He asked how much we wanted for it and we asked for $200. He said he would think about it and get back to me. Shortly after that he came back as I was digging out the first post, and said "If you stop what you are doing now, I will give you $125 and pull out the rest of the posts". Needless to say the shovel dropped from my hand to shake his and say "It's a DEAL!" He pulled all the posts yesterday and the day before and took all the rest of the fencing as well. He introduced me to our other neighbor who we had never even seen once. He never leaves the house and Tom says he spends most of his time in the garage smoking and drinking....NICE!! He was nice but I forgot his name which won't matter much since I don't plan on venturing into his haven.

Another introduction happened when we were getting rid of all the bark chips in the front yard. An old man...and I mean old, stopped his car across the street and walked right up to shake my grimy hand, "I'm Kermit King" he said. We introduced ourselves and he stated that he was the landlord for our neighbors next door. He wanted to let us know that if we ever had an problems with them we could contact him to let him know. Of course I didn't mention the many items that get thrown into our yard nor the incident of the urine filled condoms that were thrown into the yard and into our house!!! Yes one of them made it into our window when it was open!! I had a talk with the father of the little hooligans and he said they were sorry and even later on wrote us letters to again say they were sorry.

Finally Tom got to talking, which he does very well, and ended up inviting us to the Big Pig Roast this summer. He said they have been doing it for 3 years now and it's supposed to be the best Pig Roast in all the land! He told me all about how they cook the pig and what is all involved. This will surely introduce us to more neighbors and all of Tom's biker friends!

That's all for now. Pictures to come soon of the front yard transformation from "Front Yard State Prison" to "Country Garden Pathways".


Anonymous said...

I am not sure what to say to this one...great deal on the fence but I sure hope you have another one going up soon, you know, to block those flying, urine filled condoms!!

Jen :)

Anonymous said...

So...Lance got to know me a little too well while we were in Shasta now did'nt he!?!
