Thursday, September 04, 2008

Say What!

Well we returned from our trip down to Cottage Grove Lake and I was going to post about our days of camping and water skiing but our internet connection at home was dead. So that will come later.

Tuesday night after Emma and I got home from work, we turned on the tv to a dead connection. It stated that it would return shortly. I also went into the office and looked at the modem and it also showed a dead connection. We waited a bit but gave up since it was time to go to bed anyway.

The next morning we checked again and the same thing was on the tv screen that the service would return shortly. In the past our connection at times for the internet would go out once in a while but not the tv. So I decided to go outside and see what I could figure out. I looked at the connection in the giant box we have outside and all looked normal. Then I noticed this bar or wire sticking out the side of the house. I did that get there? I went back inside to have Emma come out and take a look and then we both noticed that something was wrong. A cable used to be connected to this bar....wrapped around it and then ran out to the electrical pole and connected up to the cable. It was missing? So odd we thought. Then I remembered that when they installed it a few days after we moved in...this cable was stretched and pulled tight across the street. I opened the gate and looked for signs of the cable....and sure enough...the cable was there, just wound up in a pile next to the electrical pole.

Something had severed the connection!!!!!

All we can figure out is that a large truck...or bird....or crazy neighbor or someone trying to tell us we need to lay off the cable tv managed to rip the cable right off the house!!! Luckily it didn't cause any damage, except for a few dozen leaves whipped off the maple tree.

The comcast fella came to our place and restored our connection back to the world!! He made sure to make the connection a little higher this time and also mentioned that the silly squirrels in the "hood" were busy trying to ruin our connection anyway so we were going to lose our connection soon enough.

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