Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Camping Cottage Grove Lake

After a few days of no internet connection and some time editing some of the photos from the trip weekend before last, I can finally update the blog with some pictures of our trip down to Cottage Grove Lake.

It was a great time. Emma and I arrived on Saturday afternoon since we both are still working nights. The weather was a bit on the chilly side but I was ok with that since it meant more time to chill out by the fire and to relax. We only managed to get out on the boat a few times since the wind was blowing a good amount of the time.

On Sunday, all of us guys headed out while the weather was calm. The wind had finally died down the night before and managed to stay that way until the next day. We tooled around on the water for a good amount of time getting in some great rides. After we got back and were relaxing for a bit, we noticed that some storm clouds we starting to form across the lake in the distance. Pete and Nick made the suggestion that we should probably head down to cover the boats in case it rained. Just after that lighting struck and the wind started to pick up. The boats got covered not more then about 2 minutes before all hell broke loose! We all ran back to the campsites and scrambled to make a quick shelter next to Cliff's camper and pull everything in that was about to be soaked! It was quit amazing how quickly we all worked to save everything from blowing away and to build a shelter out of a tarp and canopy.

After the quick storm the weather calmed down and it stayed pretty clear the rest of the time.

Thanks again to everyone for inviting us along and letting us go for some great rides!!

Here are some pictures from the trip. And go here for some more pictures!


Anonymous said...

Much better pics than we used to take of skiers but where were you?

pete said...

Ryan these are great pics of the trip your photography skills really becoming outstanding! It was great to have you and Emma along as always we are looking forward to the next adventure!