Thursday, June 26, 2008


Ok so I don't have much to update about!! I have been rather lazy with updating the blog about anything. I suppose I have been so used to working on the house and giving info on the progress I haven't moved on to new subjects! Since we are out of major updates to do in the house I haven't really had to do much at home other then the normal fun stuff around the house! In fact the other day we went to Lowe's to return a piece for the drip system and realized how nice it was to just walk past everything and not be thinking about what we might do next. Ok I did see some paint on sale and Emma quickly ushered me on.

As for work....well I have been sitting her since after lunch at 5pm with no call. It's almost 7 now. Pretty normal for this time of day but the lack of work can get to me at times. I actually had a moment when I couldn't think of any websites to go visit or read. My eyes were getting all crazy and blurry. Not good!

Anyway work is slow so I should get off my booty and post some more!

Also if you read my damn blog, comment on it!! OK that was uncalled for....but hey...sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself! Oh and if you look at my pictures on Flickr....comment! And if you enjoy reading Emma's blog....COMMENT! Get the idea people! It's our only payment for sharing out lives with the world!

That goes for Lance and Suzanne's blog as well!

This weekend we have a list of things we get to do. Saturday morning we are going to some wineries for some wine tasting for Emma's work. Then, we are going to a friends for a tequila party Saturday night!! I will not touch the stuff but they plan on having brew again! Then Sunday morning.....well at 12 which is morning for some people...we are going to have brunch at a friends house! Always good to have free food prepared by wonderful chef's!!!

Ok I am done....back to um...well...working hard!!!


Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend. Dad

Anonymous said...

I guess the newness of the blogs has worn off but we still enjoy reading them and seeing the pictures. We feel more "in touch" with you guys.