Thursday, March 22, 2007

Strange thing!

Had something rather odd happen the other day. Emma and I were on our way out to dinner, driving down the street, and I noticed something odd on the side of the street. It was a little girl, not more then 6 or 7 years old, walking along in the bike lane eating some candy. I happen to notice her....for one that she was young and walking along a busy street, but it looked like she was wearing pajamas and slippers. She looked like she was walking with a purpose or rather like she had done this every day.

We passed on by and stopped at the light. I turned to Emma and asked if she had noticed the girl walking down the street and she had not seen her. We sat there at the light and the girl kept walking. She slowly started to come in to the main part of the lane as she came closer to the intersection still sucking on whatever candy she was enthralled with.

Luckily all traffic was stopped going all ways in the intersection when she started to walk across the middle of the road. A small boy and his friend were walking across the street and were watching her as well the entire time. He walked over and grabbed her hand to bring her out of the middle of the intersection. Everyone that was stopped at the intersection and didn't move even when the light turned green until both kids were out of the way.

My only guess is that she was either sleep walking or had something very wrong with her. Was almost like it was from a movie or strange dream!

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