Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rolling Over (Slowly)

So Ella rolled over for the first time yesterday. I laid her down on her back and after a short while she managed to get on her side and then completely rolled over. Of course it's a VERY SLOW roll but she did it!! Emma didn't even notice it when I showed her the video for the first time!!

Since then she has done it 2 more times.

Ella Rolling Over from Ryan Nowell on Vimeo.

Also, last night was Ella's first night spent sleeping in her crib in her room!!! She did great and only woke up once during the night.


Grandma in Tucson said...

Two milestones in one week! Many more to come. So glad you caught it on tape.

Suzanne, Lance and Belle said...

Great job Ella! We love the video thank you!! :) xoxox Suzanne