Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All sorts of firsts!

Ella went for her 4 month check up and everything looks great, she's right where she should be. The doctor said we could start to try to give Ella solid foods... so we tried some rice cereal, and as you can see below, it didn't go over very well! We're going to wait a while and try again...




On Sunday and Monday we went to an infant massage class that was a test run for some students working towards a certification in teaching infant massage... it was free for us and we got some great techniques to use. Both days were the same class, and the repetition was welcomed and needed. Turns out for the students to complete their certification, they each independently need to teach the full 5 week coarse (again free of charge), not a bad deal! So we will be able to continue to work on our technique. Ella LOVED it! She was a star baby for both days she went a long with everything and seemed to enjoy and respond to it all and by the end of each session she was completely relaxed and smiley!


She's really getting better and enjoying tummy time as you can see above and then also down below! I'm sure it helped that I was rubbing her back :)



On our way out for our walk, I loved her little hat!

After our shower, she loves the water!

We just noticed today how long her hair is getting, but it's not quite long enough to lay down yet

I only have a week and a half left before I go back to work, I'm going to miss her so much!

1 comment:

Suzanne, Lance and Belle said...

love love LOVE all the new pictures!! xoxoxox Suzanne