Saturday, February 06, 2010

Enjoying Life

When Ella was born I kept getting the question, "don't you just love being a mother?" While I most definitely loved my baby, parenthood was a bit of an adjustment for both of us, so my answer wasn't always the emphatic yes it is now! Since we've been back from our travels it has been so much fun being home with Ella, settling into a routine. She is changing and growing daily and Ryan and I are so in love with her and really having fun in our new rolls. It doesn't hurt either that Ella has become a pretty mellow, happy baby!

Ella and Emma
This is a sweater we received from my moms friend Hannah, and it is so cute. She's all bundled up and ready for our daily walk.

Ella is so talkative these days, I just had to capture a moment between she and Ryan where she was carrying on a full on conversation! Sooo cute! I'm also trying to take more photos these days :).

All of the sudden she started sitting on her feet. I love this shot :)

Busy Talking
Her smile melts our hearts! We'll have to capture when she goes from a serious look to a smile that lights up her whole face when she looks at one of us- it's one of the great joys of parenthood that no one can possibly prepare you for :)


Suzanne, Lance and Belle said...

What a beautiful smile! We just love her sooooo much!! :)

Grandma in Tucson said...

We just crave new pictures of Ella and these are more great ones! I'm thinking she looks more like you everyday, Emma. Quite a beauty!