Sunday, January 24, 2010


On to Maui!!! We went to spend some time with my mom, enjoy the weather and celebrate our anniversary! We arrived on our anniversary- we hadn't been back since we got married three years ago... Ella did great on the plane, the trip there was a marathon flight- we weren't expecting that going into it. If you heard anything about a flight from Portland to Maui that had to turn around so a threatening passenger could be escorted off... yeah that was our flight! A flight that was supposed to take a little under 6 hours took 11! And that was Ella's first flight- she was still a champ and slept almost the whole time! Probably her biggest accomplishment in Maui is she started sleeping through the night- her longest night so far was 10 hours! She's averaging nightly about 8-9 hours- we LOVE it! It's amazing what a difference a full night of sleep makes!

On the plane, keeping busy

Grandma taking her for her first dip in the ocean.... for the most part she loved it...

until she was dipped too far in!

Baby Beach
this is Baby Beach- the beach just down the street from Mom's house

Rainbow Maui
The view of a rainbow from my mom's front porch

On a morning walk. We have tried so many different baby carriers and this is the only type she'll tolerate! She likes to be faced forward with legs free and hanging down!

Hanging out on the beach while Ella napped in her car seat.

The humidity made the hair on the top of her hair curl! It was so cute!



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Happy in Maui!

And now we are back home and back to layering clothes... :( we would have loved to spend more time in Maui, we had a good time and REALLY enjoyed the warm weather. The trip back on the plane was a breeze, only about 1/3 of the time it took compared to the way there.

Ella in her Bear Suit getting ready for a walk

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