Monday, August 28, 2006

Busy weekend and good news!!

This past weekend went way too fast!! Emma helped a friend with catering so she was gone all Saturday which left the boy and me on our own. I worked on the yard and the fence toppers or whatever you call them. They turned out pretty nice. Cheap too. Could have spent $14 on each but since we built our own it was only$1.62 a piece. Saved $175 but it did take a while to make. I will post a picture when I get them installed.

Since Emma worked so hard over the weekend and made some extra money we decided to go to Costco and see if they had any scanner\printers available. We have been wanting a better printer to print photos and she also wanted to be able to scan in the thousands of recipes that she has collected. We found one that was $50 off and hopefully it works well. Now we just need to invent a touchscreen to access all those recipes in the kitchen!

Also received some news about our neighbors next door. We noticed a while ago that they were going missing one by one. Those pesky kids stopped running around and then no more vehicles were being worked on in the carport. Then one weekend the house had all it’s lights on all day and night. Then one day when Emma was walking Puma she noticed a note on the door from Kermit King stating “If you do not return by 3:30 pm tomorrow then I will assume you have vacated the premises.” Sure enough they were gone for good. I looked over the side and everything was gone. Someone had shown up and started to clean the place out for the next couple of days. Then yesterday morning while I was in the front yard Kermit stopped by to say that he had kicked the tenants out and has already sold the place!!! He said they were supposed to leave a month and half ago but had to go through the legal process to get them to leave. He said the gentleman that purchased the place is single and is looking to buy his first place. We were hoping it would be a younger couple but oh well. At least we won’t be expecting any piss filled condoms in the yard!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good news about the neighbors. Owners always seem to take better care of their property, too. For instance, your dad is out back right now vacuuming some of our plants!

phillytoad said...

Vacuuming plants!!! Send Ronnie over here!
Good news about the neighbors. About the new neighbor... you never know. He might turn out to be a really nice guy. Cross your fingers.